Saturday, February 4, 2012

God has really been working in my life. Now, it might not be visible to everyone but I can feel a change in my heart. Honestly, its not a big change but its coming along, in babysteps. Dont you wish that it could be instant, the change? Dont you just wish that your bad day could last 24 hours and then the next morning, you forget about it and move on and you are just happy? Unfortunatly, life does not work like that. GOD does not work like that. I believe we go through the process so we can either:
a: learn from the mistake we made that day
b:learn more about ourselves and the people involved
c:define our relationship with Christ
To be honest most of the time, I dont care about any of those because im hurting. Its no fun being in pain, especially when you dont know how long it will take you to heal. BUT we need to believe in blind faith; not knowing is the process that will make us stronger people and will ultimatly bring us closer to God. Believing in a God that you can not physically see but his works are, is what can change lives. Our lives will improve in such a way, we wont even realize it until the future when we look back and say "Wow, I got through that and look at me now . . . Im such a better person because of it". Thats why I believe we are allowed to go through pain and hardships. Just believing is all it takes. God I hope that through hard times that I am currently facing and will face, you will prevail!

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see."

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